Remember, Pook is just a kid. Like you !
She wants to do something valuable...Like Save the World
So help Pook out.
Just click on the
United Nation Cyber School Bus
to blast off to Pook's World!
Well...I've been transformed into many things
but this is the first time as a mermaid!
It's kind of cool, but I must say it's a bit wet!
Well, it seems the there is a fantastic
marine animal in grave danger of
becoming extinct. Do you know which
one? NO? Well, that's why I'm here!
Why have I gone watery?
Before we start swimming in the ocean.....take a good look
at the pictures George, Commander Ralph's camera, took
and try to guess the name of this animal...Ok....ready? you know the name of this animal?
Come on, take a guess......Yes, a seal, but what kind of
seal? No...all seals do
not look alike....give up?
It's the Mediterranean Monk Seal
Did you know that twenty million years ago, in the Mediterranean region, a
marine mammal specially adapted to sea life appeared for the first time on
Earth? No? Well, that was the ancestor of modern Seals.
As the centuries passed, the seals evolved, spread out and adapted to the
conditions of the regions in which they chose to live. Today there are 21
different seal species worldwide: of these, just 3 species belonging to the
genus Monachus live in warm waters.

Their peculiar name comes from the Greek word monachos (monk) because
around their necks these seals show several folds of fat, which resemble
the folds formed by the Catholic monk's robe, hence "Monk Seals".
From ancient times, the Mediterranean people lived side by side with the Seal.
In ancient Greece, monk seals were placed under the protection of Poseidon
and Apollo because, they showed a great love for sea and sun. One of the
first coins, minted around 500 BC, depicted the head of a monk seal, and the
creatures were immortalized in the writings of Homer, Plutarch and Aristotle.
Centuries ago, Homer in his Odyssey, described hoards of Seals basking on
Greece's sandy shores. Also, in Homer's time the Mediterranean Monk Seal
played a vital role in nature. Did you know that the Monk Seal gave its name
to two ancient cities, Phocaea in Attica and Phocaea in Asia Minor? Once there
were probably several thousands of Seals living in the Mediterranean sea.
Today, however, only 400 to 500 remain.

To fishermen and seafarers, catching sight of the animals frolicking in the
waves or loafing on the beaches was considered to be an omen of good
These great creatures have fin-like and webbed retroversed posterior feet,
claws on fingers and no outer ears. They like to live on lonely reefs, rocks or
in caves and deep crevices on steep coasts far away from man. Why?
Because they are afraid of man. Why? We'll get to that later. Their diet
consists of fish, octopi, cuttlefish, squids as well as seaweeds, which help to
clean their digestive system.
So why, you ask, are they important? They're only seals! Oh No..... my
adventureres...listen closely. The Monk Seal is at the top of the food chain, and
can be considered an indicator of the overall state of health of the marine
environment. Its extinction is, therefore, a prelude to the ultimate breakdown
of the entire ecosystem. Monachus monachus is now Europe's number one
endangered marine mammal.
Why should that concern you? Think a bit.....if the ecosystem breaks
down...well you're part of that system...the web of life....If the threads of
that web begin breaking, you also pay the consequences.
What's causing the extinction of this magnificent animal?
The main threat to the Monk Seal is.....
you guessed it....
Man and his activities.
This poor animal is deliberately killed or accidentally caught in fishing equipment.
Many fishers still consider the sepcies a pest and a competitor for food sources.
Of course, there's always the incidental capture in fishing gear.

Its food sources are being reduced due to over-fishing pressures.

Destruction of habitat and loss by coastal development,
including disturbance by tourism and pleasure boating.

Marine pollution
First, ecology is the study of how living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) parts
of the environment, how they interact
with and depend on each other. In
fact, if you break the word ecology down, "eco" means house and "logos"
means to study. So when scientists study the ecology of certain areas they
are called ecosystems. Now, living things include plants and animals, which
includes people! The non living parts, are things like sunlight, soil, atmosphere,
climate, nutrients and water. Natural ecosystems also perform fundamental
life-support services, without which human civilizations would cease to thrive!
that's heavy!
So what exactly is an ecosystem, you ask?
I'll give you a short version......but there is so much more!
SOoooo.... is that a little clearer? Think of the Monk Seal as a
measure or a barometer on what's happening to your world!
Did you know that in the past couple of years alone, more than 1,000,000
tons of sewage has been dumped directly into the Mediterranean Sea? The
Mediterranean Monk Seal has been almost wiped out because of the
pollution there.
In the summer of 1997, two-thirds of the largest surviving population of
Mediterranean monk seals was wiped out within the space of two months
on the Côte des Phoques in the Western Sahara.
Disease and toxic algae.
All these contribute to their extinction. The Caribbean Monk Seal no
longer exists. In 1997 it was officially declared extinct. That's's
extinct!.....One down and two to go if you're counting....Who's next? It
looks like the Mediterranean Monk Seal may be the next victim......which
will only leave the Hawaiian Monk Seal ! Remember, these are the only
three species of seals that live in warm, subtropical seas.
There are many organisations working very, very hard
to help save the Monk Seal. Here are just a few:
Monachus-guardian is a wonderful site dedicated to Monk Seals and their
Threatened Habitats. They have lots of information and you can search
for a conservation group in your local area. Maybe become a volunteer in
your area.
There's MOm, Hellenic Society for the Study and the Protection of the
Monk Seal. It's a non-profit, non-governmental, environmental
organization, founded in 1988 by a team of Marine Biologists and
Environmental Researchers. Its aims are the research and the study of
the biology, ecology and behaviour of the Monk Seal, and to preserve it
through any legal means.
A really kool site is called Abyssoblu. This is a great site dedicated to
marine biology, archaeology, history, diving and ship wrecks. They even
have special virtual museums with artifacts found under the sea! It's a
don't miss site!
International Fund for Animal Welfare, or IFAW. Now this group is really
unique. In fact, how they came about is quite spectacular. You see, almost
three decades ago, a courageous group of local citizens came together to
help stop the brutal killings of the white coat harp sels off the eastern
coast of Canada. But their work didn't stop there, they believed that the
interests of humans and animals were not separate but bound together.
That the fate and future of all other animals on Earth are inextricably
linked to our own. Their vision is a world where all people will accept their
responsibility to protect animals and the enviornment. Their website is
packed with all kind of ways you can help. Take a look...there are all kinds
of projects....I'm sure you can find one!
What can you do? Simple...... get involved !
Find a project that lights your heart and mind ...then go for it!
They don't ask much....all these poor little seals want in life is to live in
peace and continue living in the ancient seas for which they were designed.
Is that so much? Think about it.....
MERMAID's time for me to be swimming off and call
Butterbye so she can change me back....
I do hope she's fixed something good to eat!
Oh! Didi I forget to tell you? guessed it, she got stuck with
cooking duty this time! Don't forget to check out our new
Endangered Species Portal. There are lots of kool games you can play! I'VE got some cool suff for you 2!
Don't forget to vist Pook's World!
Do you want to become a Superhero of the underwater world?
This site is awesome! They've got puzzles, funky facts, cool
contests, and as an AWARE kid you can learn about how to care
for your blue planet! How do you get there? Just Click on Kool
Hermann the Penguin
Go on, it's really wacky !
and he'll warp you there!
Well... I really gotta go now.....otherwise I'll start getting those
funny little wrinkles when you stay in the water t
oooooo long!.
Don't forget to check out the rest of the crew....They're
on some really wild adventures! Bye.....Bye!
This article uses material excepted Wikipedia and with special permission of the Monachus-guardian
Music from the album Galaxy by Just' in Space
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
photos courtesy of Abyssoblu